German Roots in Russia
Professional Genealogy Services (PGS)
Manuel Goehring
17 Marsh Road
Toronto, ON, M1K 1Y6, Kanada
Telephone: (001) - 647 - 981 - 2042
Skype: GermanRootsinRussiaPGS
Legal disclaimer
German Roots in Russia Professional Genealogy Services will never share your information with others. The information collected is for the purposes of research only, as directed by the client. We comply with the Government of Canada’s PIPEDA legislation.
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German Roots in Russia Professional Genealogy Services
Owner: Manuel Goehring
Tel: (001) - 647-981-2042
Email: info@germanrootsinrussia.com
Skype: GermanRootsinRussiaPGS
© 2016 German Roots in Russia Professional Genealogy Services